Tuesday, December 23, 2008

just an update

Gracie had her 4 month well baby check up yesterday morning and everything seems to be going great. First and foremost...no heart murmur this time around so that's good. Gracie is in the 90% for her height being 25 1/2 inches long and she is in the 65% for her weight being 14 pounds. She is doing great with everything and is still in bed at the moment and it's almost 8am.

Emma couldn't be more excited about Christmas. She wants a bike, helmet and an airplane so I guess you'll just have to wait to see pictures to see if Santa brings her what she wants.

Hope everyone has a good and safe holiday. Zack will have 11 days off of work and I will actually be going into work for a few hours here and there since we won't need a babysitter.

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