Sunday, October 19, 2008

It's been a crazy year!

So this morning I decided that I would put this together. It seems like many people have these and they are quite nice. Life for us has changed so much in the past year. Emma had her open heart surgery mid June and is just doing amazing. Gracie was born in August and growing so quickly. It has been great having Zack here this time and I know he is loving every moment of it. Zack starts his new job tomorrow as active duty at Camp Dodge in Johnston. We are very excited about this as he will work Monday-Friday so we will be able to do things on the weekend as a family. In November, we are going to be moving to a new house and we couldn't be more excxited about it!

1 comment:

Courtney and Rich said...

thought I would be the first to leave you a message. we had a blog since I got pregnant and it is a good way to keep people posted. glad to see you got one i am looking forward to seeing your stuff.